Matrimonial, Relationships & Divorce
Matrimonial & Relationships
If you are worried about whether a partner is being unfaithful or just suspect that they have something to hide, we are able to carry out a range of extremely discreet surveillance techniques to ascertain the truth.
Many women now check out would-be husbands before they marry, fearful of the financial consequences of divorce.
Prenuptial surveillance has been popular in the US for many years and now is being used on a regular basis in the UK.
Going through a divorce is a traumatic and emotional experience. The huge amount of documentation required is also a gruelling and time-consuming business. There may be evidence presented by your partner which you know to be untrue but cannot find the evidence to support your case.
During 2005, around 16 per cent of British couples hid financial assets from their spouse while divorcing them, with men accounting for 87 per cent of such deceptions. This is where Alternative Solutions can help you. Our experts, using a range of investigative tools and techniques can work with you to trace assets and help uncover hidden investments and income sources.
Alternative Solutions can then work with you to help, advise and support you in preparing your case.