Fraud & Debt Recovery
This can be as simple as fraudulently altering records or theft on a major scale. We offer a range of fraud based services, from collating photographic evidence and audio surveillance to witness statements and finding incriminating paperwork to achieve the answers you are looking for.
Insurance Fraud
Fraudulent and dishonest insurance claims are becoming a major problem for the insurance industry. This in turn has an impact on consumers as on average, *£44 is added to the annual costs individual policy holders face. *Taken from the insurance Fraud Bureau.
Alternative Solutions has been working closely with insurance companies investigating claims suspected of being fraudulent. To establish that fraud has taken place, concrete evidence of lies, acts of deception and inconsistent statements must be present. We use a number of experienced operatives who will investigate undercover the claim and gain video evidence wherever possible to help insurance companies establish whether a claim is fraudulent or not.
Debt Recovery
Using a variety of sources we can successfully track down debtors in an efficient and cost-effective manner and mediate in the repayment of any money owed in a non-threatening way.